Monday, April 28, 2014

Deployment is Real!

I have a friend (Avee) who writes songs, as in goes to Nashville, writes with a published songwriter, and then produces her song. At the beginning of each month I get a new Avee song in my inbox and I love it. This month's email said the following:

"Here’s another new one, fresh from Nashville : )  I wanted to share with you that I had this melody and parts of the lyrics for awhile, but you inspired this idea!  I remember you sharing while Tyler was deployed that you were doing good, getting through the days, but sometimes at night how your heart just physically ached for him…and I thought…man…I know that feeling even if it’s been for a short period of time I have been away from Lloyd…and then it made me think of how the only solace from that is to drift off to sleep and dream them home. ...."

I promptly opened the song and began listening while I made pancakes for breakfast one morning last week. And the tears started falling. I do not have permission to share the song, but the feelings of deployment and that physical heart-hurt just crept in and made me weep for my friends whose husbands are gone or are leaving soon. Although every spouse feels deployment differently, for me it is a pain that I have never felt before and I hope to never feel again.

My favorite line right now is: "No one is deploying because they are bringing everyone home by December." NO PEOPLE, they are not. I have friends whose husbands are in Afghanistan now and friends who are leaving in the coming months for ... you guessed it ... AFGHANISTAN.

This is somewhat of a soapbox post, and I apologize for that, but please remember the 1%. The 1% who VOLUNTEERED to join the American military. The 1% who may have a spouse and children at home waiting for them to come home. It is so easy to forget, yet impossible to understand what a military feels, but I ask that you pray for them. Pray for safety, for peace in this world, peace in our hearts, and for the pain of deployment to soon be a thing of the past. 

**If I get permission from Avee to share the song, I most certainly will!**


Kate @ Daffodils said...

When you share it, warn me first so I can get my issues. You won't believe (okay you probably will) the number of people that look at me with shock when they hear that Kev is going and say "I didn't even know we still have people there!". It is awful.

Hate that we will miss you on Friday but hopefully will see you on the way home!

Jenny @ Creatively Blooming said...

People can be so clueless about the military sometimes. I remember when we were in Guam and Jarrod was on a submarine. Many of my friends back home thought that when the sub wasn't out to sea, that he was home all the time. Like he didn't have to go into work everyday. And work long hours most days. And go in on weekends sometimes too. I can't wait to hear the song!