Friday, April 17, 2009

I'm Official

That's right folks, I am officially an Alaskan resident! This morning I went to the DMV, took a written test, and then changed my license, title, tags, and voter registration to Alaska. Honestly, I did not have a choice, I had 90 days to surrender, yes they use the word "surrender," my North Carolina license. Instead of just converting the license, I converted everything because there are no state income taxes here, there is a Permanent Fund Dividend, which this year is $3269 per eligible person, and it is just cool to say you are a resident of Alaska.

**The picture is a bit blurry, I cannot get it much better because of the flash and laminating stuff over the license -- sorry!

Here's a random military fact: active military are not required to become residents of any state, for example: unlike me, Tyler does not have to become a resident of Alaska. Fortunately Richard Burr, North Carolina's senator, recently proposed a bill stating that military spouses are exempt from becoming residents in every state like the active military. This would be a huge time-saver and stress relief for military spouses because it is a big pain in the butt to change your residency every three years. Not all states require you to become residents, but it is still a pain. YAY for Richard Burr's proposal ... other congressmen -- pass this bill!


Anonymous said...

The picture is blurry...but it does not look like the typical mug shot on a license....alaska becomes you! hugs and kisses to my carolina girl....the best in the world!

Shay said...

a. thank you for avoiding identity theft.

b. thank you for speaking about richard burr as north carolina's senator... like the only one. we dont recognize fibber kay. hahaha.


Stacey said...

awesomeness! I get to become a Washington resident very soon. Of course Tim will be an Arizona resident b/c he doesn't pay income taxes there. Ah the joys of the military. And I'd love it if I didn't have to change residency every couple years too!