Monday, March 10, 2014

Recovering ...

What a week this has been for us!! It began Wednesday morning at 3:40 am -- a morning I had vowed to wake up early for quiet time during this Lenten season -- but alas, Emma had different plans. She woke up early, but was remarkably clingy, snotty, and drooly, can we say teething?

Goooood morning, teething baby.

I found that the day/week wasn't a complete loss because I was homebound and could just enjoy the girls. Caroline and I made play dough with Emma strapped to me.

We read, cuddled, and just enjoyed each other. We hosted our "first Army friend," Kevin Larrabee, Thursday night for dinner. It was quite fun to see him and catch up about our different, yet somewhat similar lives. Hop over to Kate, his wife's, blog for beautiful pictures of their boys and life in DC. We hope to visit with him and Kate again soon here in Fayetteville or in DC.

On Saturday morning, Tyler's weeks-long cold finally caught up with me and I sound like a muffled, raspy person. Fortunately, you cannot hear my voice. So I took a 2.5 hour nap yesterday and he let us indulge in ice-cream for dinner .. a practice he is not remarkably fond of!

But, today is a new day and the beginning of a new week. The sun is out and we are hoping Spring is here to stay!

How was your weekend? Are you ready for Spring?

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