Sunday, October 10, 2010

God Winks

At Wake Forest I was blessed with the most wonderful friends. Although I do not do a super job of communicating with all of them regularly, I still think of them often and love them for how they helped me become who I am today. 

One of those girlfriends, Jennifer Cole, whom I still adore but have not been too good at contacting lately, was my walking buddy and Tuesday night dinner friend throughout my tenure at Wake. She used to ask, "How has God winked at you today?" She simply wanted to know how I saw God that day. 

Today I thought of her after an afternoon of really missing my husband and best friend and an afternoon of knowing that my WFU best friends were together. I let Bella out only to find this: 

The sky was striped with pink and orange before finally setting a few minutes later. It's moments like this that I have noticed more in Alaska then ever before; I'm not sure if Alaska is just that much more beautiful or if I just have a greater sense of appreciation for things of beauty these days. 

God always reveals himself just when we need him. Although he's always there, sometimes it seems to be a bit more apparent than others. Tonight I am getting ready to settle into bed a bit more upbeat, a bit more thankful for friends, this afternoon and for the way God continuously shows me that I am not alone in this journey.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and he will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6


Anonymous said...

love you!

CherieKT said...

very well written Ginna - love you friend

CherieKT said...

and - great photo