Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Snow is Finally Flying!

We have had small snow showers recently, but the temperatures have been above freezing throughout the day, so the snow melts. Unfortunately, this creates a slippery situation because the melted slush refreezes at night. Today, after a brief morning snow, meltage and rain, and now a more significant snow shower, I believe the snow is here to stay. Throughout the day we have had various forms of precipitation, but I think temperatures have cooled off just enough to make snow and now it is here and sticking!!  

This morning before leaving for a meeting at 9:30. You cannot really see the snow, but you can see how little light we have.

The snow is flying!

Snow, snow, snow! The pictures aren't the best, but you can see the snow!


becca albertson said...

This is from Peter:
Hi Aunt Ginna! I'm sending you a message. It's Peter Albertson. I love Sammy. I want to talk about your dog. I love bella even though I haven't met her. Thanks for getting her. I hope Tyler comes back. It snows a lot and a lot and a lot on your mountains, so if you go up the mountain, you can have a little hike, okay? I hope you have a baby <(mom's note: I did NOT TELL HIM TO SAY THAT!).>. Ginna you're gonna love babies. And I want to see you on the computer soon. that's all. Tyler would love this too. And Tyler needs to watch more ball games but the deacs lose.

becca albertson said...

ps- this is becca.
lest you think i'm the insane sister-in-law asking for babies, i SWEAR pete came up with that on his own... and honestly, he's been talking to every female he sees about babies lately, so no pressure :). (he asks me daily for a sister... not gonna happen!).
we love you and miss you!

Anonymous said...

Keep the snow in Alaska!!! love ya' pat