Sunday, August 30, 2009

G & T Do the Alaska State Fair

Saturday Tyler and I went to the Alaska State Fair. Although you have the usual food stands and rides, there were some interesting things at this fair. The first being this gang of creepy cabbage fairies ... who knew?! Then there were lots of store fronts selling various things, although this isn't too strange it was just a little different. We toured the super size vegetables, the petting zoo, fairgrounds, and then watched a lumberjack show with our friends. Fortunately the weather turned out to be beautiful! Warm, 66, and sunny! :)

The cabbage gang.

A 323 lb. pumpkin and an overgrown cabbage in the background...

The white thing is a puffer mushroom ... yikes... with a watermelon!


Jackie: said...

Those cabbage ladies are so creepy!

mama becca said...

that's a mushroom? ew.
miss you guys!!!!! if i had a million bucks i'd come see you soon :).
love from all the albertsons