Thursday, July 2, 2009

Our Trip to NC!

Our trip to NC was so perfect and wonderfully timed, we were in need of some family lovin' and old friend conversation and fun!! I was on the east coast for 10 days and Tyler was in NC for a week. We so enjoyed seeing both of our families, old friends, and celebrating a new marriage! Below are just a few pictures of our adventure at home!

All the ladies with the groom! I got to celebrate Cassie at her bachelorette party in Atlanta. I never knew how wonderful an all girls weekend can be -- YAY for seeing my favorite girls! :)
These are our friends the Larrabees. We got to meet their newest addition, Cullen, and just hang out. Although we did not live in the same city very long, we became fast friends and we miss them quite often!
After the rehearsal dinner we went to Foothills, our favorite bar in Winston, and our very favorite bartender, Cha, was there! It was so fun to see him and catch up.

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