Saturday, February 27, 2010

He Loves Me...

Today I got a call from an unknown number and when I returned the call it was a local flower shop asking when I'd be home so they could deliver flowers. I was stoked, but I couldn't figure out who they were from because Tyler's internet is down and he'd have to have internet to send them. But, when I opened the card, guess who they're from?! ... TYLER! The flowers are beautiful, but the thought is priceless, T! They made my day. I'd rather have a random day flower delivery than a Valentine's delivery any day; thanks babe for making my day! :)

This is the "Spring Mix."
Up close. Babe, I'm using my new camera (duh!) without the flash ... I think the pictures look great. I even figured out how to turn up the ISP, too. Aren't you proud?!
The roses are tucked away and should fill out soon!
These pink flowers look like azaleas. I doubt they are, but they still make me think of springtime in NC!


Anonymous said...

they're beautiful! THANK GOODNESS for the impending spring!

dede said...

Very Pretty and very springlike!!!