Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Livin' the Dream!

My friend Martha, a friend from home who is now an Army wife, too, has created a weekly "Livin' the Dream" challenge for blog friends to link-up to. I have to admit, this is my first go with linking up, but I'm pretty excited to take the challenge. Each week the challenge has something to do with bettering yourself or the lives of those around you, I'm excited to see where this leads!

Week One asked us to list five things you like about yourself and do not want to change during the New Year. This was posted the first week in January (I'm a little late to the party), the week of New Year's resolutions and changes galore. Below, in no particular order, are five things I don't want to change about myself:

I love well. 

I like my legs. 
(A bit vain, maybe, but I do.)

I am organized.  
I see the good or positive aspects in most situations.

I am a patient.

The Livin' the Dream week 2 challenge is posted, and I will have that blurb here later in the week!!

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