Sunday, February 22, 2009

Miller's Cave

Who knew that Missouri has lots of caves? We went to Miller's Cave, conveniently on post, yesterday with friends. Bella came along and had the best time. She was thrilled to get in the car to go to the cave -- she is beginning to like the car more and more; thank goodness! We got to go in one cave, but another was closed because it houses artifacts from 2000+ years ago. Tyler and I can tell that we are acclimated to the colder temperatures because it was 32 degrees with a breeze and we were not too bundled up. We're gearing up for Alaska -- 32 days and counting!

Looking out of the cave.
Tyler and Bella.
Three dogs; they got tangled a few times.
Bella was carried several times because she got so excited about the other dogs. 

Nearing the end of the trip.


Henson said...

Oh my goodness Ginna, Bella is amazing! Having a sweet dog around is the best! Enjoy being a dog mommy...we miss you already!


Anonymous said...

Wow all this time I've been trying to drag Pep to the caves and they have them right here on post?! Hahaha! Good to know. Love your blog, can't wait to read about your road trip to Alaska!