Wednesday, May 11, 2011

May Mix 2011

Yesterday a package from my sister arrived in the mail. I knew that she was sending me the most recent Chi Rho CD, and it was wonderful, but upon opening the package there was a CD entitled "May Mix 2011." Honestly, without my sister, my music selection would be the size of a small is sad. She has most certainly always been more "up" on entertainment news and sweet tunes. I am so thankful for her fun mixes and I have many that live in my car now. Isn't it fun to put in a CD sometimes and just kind of go old school with entertainment?

Anyway. She had told me recently of the song "That's What Soldiers Do," and you guessed it ... she included it on the mix. The song is a sweet story of a conversation a dad would have with his son about going to war. The song ends with telling his son how he is a soldier too, that he needs to stand strong in Jesus and go to war for Him. It is the least cheesy, most heart-filling soldier song I've heard in a while. Click the video below to listen.

 ***If you are in a particularly weepy mood, you might want a tissue.***


Unknown said...

So touching and so true. Much love

Anonymous said...

thank goodness I didn't listen to this at work! I would have had to shut my door for the morning. Love you. pat