Monday, November 10, 2008

Army Training SIIIRRRR

I love Ginna's Blog, but I decided I needed to post here is my first post. Currently I am starting week 6 of my 7 week stint down at Benning. I've done some fun stuff down there, but for the most part everybody involved with BOLC II (basic officer leadership training II) is ready to go to their branch training/get to their unit. The plus side is that we have played with a lot of weapons while we've been here. 

Here I am in what is typically referred to as full Battle Rattle: ACH Helmet, IBA Body protection, MOLLE web gear, M-4 Rifle
Firing the MK-19 40mm Grenade Launcher
Firing the M-2 .50 Cal Machine Gun

This next week we will be in the field, but that just means that I'll soon be done with Benning and closer to moving to Leonard Wood in Missouri with Ginna. Missouri will be tons of fun, and very different. Pray for us in getting ready to move, and travelling across the country to our eventual destination....


Anonymous said...

Wow, you can WRITE!!!!
Happy Veterans Day to all!!!!
Love you both!!!

Anonymous said...

i love the pictures! looks like you're having fun "playing" with the weapons as you say! Happy Veterans Day! love you guys.